SOS Copper Coast

Suicide Prevention Network

Carpe Diem a hit in Copper Coast

SOS Copper Coast Suicide Prevention Network hosted two presentations of acclaimed comedy play, “Carpe Diem” in Wallaroo on 2/3 May, which featured important messages about mental health.

A combined total of an estimated 150 people enjoyed the shows featuring actors Chris Pidd and David Meadows who portrayed two Australian males dealing with issues of health, grief, loss and depression.

The message was the importance of professional care in times of crises, and the value of mateship and looking out for each other.

SOS Copper Coast, SA Health and the Office for the Chief Psychiatrist funded the shows in Wallaroo, while a third, at Port Broughton, was hosted by Port Broughton Progress Association.

The actors followed each performance with a question and answer session where the audience could discuss issues that arose in the play regarding support for friends and mates in times of need.

Supper was also enjoyed after each show, providing additional time for discussion on the topic.