SOS Copper Coast

Suicide Prevention Network

SOS website officially launched

Mayor of Copper Coast Council Roslyn Talbot launched the SOS Copper Coast Suicide Prevention Network’s new website on 27 September 2019, with an official digital “ribbon cutting” at the Yorke Peninsula Field Days at Paskeville.

Mayor Talbot praised the group for the initiative and the quality of the site which she said will be a valuable tool to assist all in the community suffering with mental health issues, as well as family members and friends looking for information to assist their loved ones.

A features of the website – – is its real-time technology attached to its comprehensive list of available helplines and services.

Chair of SOS Copper Coast David Boots thanked the Mayor and council for its ongoing support of all projects undertaken.

Mr Boots said he was also thrilled with the success of the launch and the associated social media marketing campaign which had resulted in significant community reach and promotion of the new online resource.