SOS Copper Coast

Suicide Prevention Network

Major Volunteer Award for SOS Copper Coast Chair David Boots

Congratulations to SOS Copper Coast Suicide Prevention Network Inc. Chairperson David Boots who received a 2019 Premier’s Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Volunteer Service during National Volunteers Week recently.

Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP presented the award to David at a volunteers thank you event held at the Copper Coast Youth Centre on 21 May.

When presenting the prestigious award, Mr Ellis described David as a chairperson who has led the SOS network in an outstanding fashion, who goes beyond and above the role of a presiding member investing hours and hours of work for the cause.

David supervises youth at the youth centre and mentors volunteer supervisors, runs workshops in the community to teach how to help people contemplating suicide and friends and family how to recognise warning signs, liaises with community organisations and government sectors on resources needed, writes and lodges grant applications, attends conferences around the state, mans stalls, coordinates sponsors and donors for past and future centre improvements and other group activities, stages fundraisers, works hard at busy bees, carries out multiple media tasks, and all the while providing ongoing commitment to the group’s objectives, and dedication to volunteering in general.

All this David does whilst combining his employment as a teacher and other volunteer commitments, including extensive hours as Chair of the Wallaroo Local Ambulance committee and for Wallaroo Community Sports Centre and Wallaroo Sailing Club.

David was also this year nominated for the 2019 Suicide Prevention Australia 16th Annual Life Award, a national award recognising excellence in suicide prevention, so outstanding, and untiring, has been the extent of his diverse service and drive for change and improved services in the area of suicide prevention.

Mr Ellis also took the opportunity to commend the SOS Copper Coast Suicide Prevention Network on all the group’s achievements in highlighting the services and help available to local people and families struggling with mental health issues.

“Including within facilities here at the Copper Coast Youth Centre, a centre that SOS Copper Coast members have worked hard at advocating for, raising funds for, and created from the ground up and officially opened last year”, Mr Ellis said.

“With increasing numbers of youth using the centre every week you are obviously filling a needs gap and changing the lives of young people in the Copper Coast.

“Volunteers such as yourselves are making a difference and I thank you for all you are doing”, he said.